The Government of the Province of Santa Fe, through the Santa Fe Investment and International Trade Agency - Santa Fe Global, under the Ministry of Productive Development, invites companies in the agricultural machinery, agro parts and agricultural implements sector to participate in the International Business Round to be held as part of Expoagro 2025, Argentina's largest open-air agro-industrial exhibition and a strategic platform for the internationalisation of firms.
The Minister of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini said that "this year, Expoagro decided to resume with the business rounds within the fair, and it is the first time that they delegate it to a province, who trust us for the experience we had with the Santa Fe Business Forum".
The rounds will take place on 11, 12 and 13 March, in the main auditorium of the expo with the aim of bringing together companies with international buyers, with the intention of generating business expansion, attracting investment and consolidating strategic alliances. The registration form is as follows: Enquiries can be channelled via e-mail to the following e-mail addresses:;;; or telephone 342 478 3515. It should be noted that companies from Santa Fe that are not exhibitors at the fair will be able to participate in the rounds.
It is worth mentioning that the call is open to all companies in the country, with an added bonus for firms from Santa Fe, which can register for this event, whether or not they are exhibitors. Buyers from 7 countries have already committed their presence: Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru and South Africa.
Commitment to production and internationalisation
The province of Santa Fe is a key player in the production of agricultural machinery and agro parts, with a highly innovative production network and export capacity. Through this initiative, the Provincial Government reaffirms its commitment to the strengthening of the productive sector, the generation of quality employment and the expansion of markets for Santa Fe companies, promoting their links with international buyers in an exclusive negotiation space.
The Secretary of Foreign Trade, Georgina Losada, highlighted the importance of this call: "Participating in Expoagro 2025 is a unique opportunity for our companies to position themselves in the international market. From the Government of Santa Fe, we are committed to supporting our companies in their internationalisation process, providing them with the necessary tools to compete globally. We want Santa Fe to be recognised as an exporting province of excellence, and this business round is a fundamental step towards that goal.
In addition, Losada explained that, for the first time, the Province will be in charge of the integral organisation of the Expoagro rounds, a milestone that comes after the success of the Santa Fe Business Forum and that is added to the 60 trade and investment promotion actions planned for this year: "The clear vision of our province leading the productive internationalisation of Argentina was sealed in what the Santa Fe Business Forum represented. It generated results that today are translated, for example, in the recognition that Expoagro, together with Santa Fe, is organising the international rounds of the entire expo. And this is a distinction that should make all of us from Santa Fe proud. We have the know-how, the competence and the valuation to rise to this challenge".