
Pullaro announced that 84 million dollars will be invested in monitoring systems in Santa Fe, Rosario and surrounding cities

During the meeting of the Provincial Security Board, the governor stressed that "there is no city in Argentina, and most probably in Latin America, that has this monitoring and artificial intelligence system. It is going to be the most efficient

Pullaro headed the meeting of the Provincial Security Board, a body made up of representatives of the three branches of government.

With the aim of maintaining institutional dialogue on advances in justice and security policies, Governor Maximiliano Pullaro headed a new meeting of the Provincial Security Board, a space made up of representatives of the three branches of government.

During the meeting, which took place in the White Room of the Government House in Santa Fe, the new monitoring system for Santa Fe and Rosario, the Rewards programme, vacancies in the penal system, and reforms in urban policing and crisis protocols were reported on.

First, Pullaro highlighted: "The Provincial Government's investment in security cameras for the cities of Rosario, Villa Gobernador Gálvez and San Lorenzo, and the provincial capital. There is no other city in Argentina, and most probably in Latin America, that has this monitoring and artificial intelligence system: it will be the most efficient and safest".

“In total, the “investment is 64 million dollars for the south of Santa Fe, and more than 20 million in the provincial capital and surrounding areas. In addition, we have invested in the smaller cities, through different programmes, so that they can establish their own monitoring centres," the governor said, and added: “With this system, prosecutors and investigators will have a greater capacity to solve any crime, whether it involves violence against people or theft".

Pullaro then referred to the reward programme and thanked the Attorney General for her support in the planning, because "it is not the same if a crime, even if it is 10 years old, is not cleared up and there is impunity. Because if we reduce impunity, it will have a positive impact on future violence; the fewer unsolved crimes there are, the lower the number of violent crimes will continue to fall.

Finally, the governor pointed out that "a system of patrolling in layers and grids" was designed, which reduced response times, but for this it was necessary to have "mobiles, a reserve fleet, which are at the service of the 911 system, and based on a criminal analysis system".

"We built an extremely robust security system, which we have to take care of. This security policy is the result of the joint work of the three branches of government," Pullaro concluded.
New monitoring system for Santa Fe and Rosario

The Minister of Justice and Security, Pablo Cococcioni, explained that "we have been working on the implementation of a comprehensive public security programme, which involves restoring and reorganising preventive policing in the streets. It is a gradual plan, with more immediate results and others in the medium and long term. The cameras will be dissuasive and preventive, and will help to clarify the facts.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of Management Technologies, Ignacio Tabares, detailed that "today we awarded a new video surveillance platform for the entire province, which begins its implementation in Rosario, San Lorenzo and Villa Gobernador Gálvez, associated with the installation of 4,415 new cameras, and focuses on a new artificial intelligence system that will improve police operation, with the automation of the search for objects and vehicles; and within 45 days the system for the city of Santa Fe will be put out to tender. In addition, work will be done on the professionalisation of the monitoring centres for the incorporation of this tool, and on the efficiency of police resources".

Vacancies in the criminal courts

The Secretary of Justice, Santiago Mascheroni, indicated that "12 competitions for judicial officials and magistrates are underway, with 1,009 admitted. A total of 624 candidates sat the exam and 25% passed the competitive examination". As for the criminal courts, "all the competitions end this Thursday, and towards the end of March we will send the list to the Executive so that it can determine the composition of the lists to be considered by the Legislature".


The Vice-Governor Gisela Scaglia; the Minister of Government and Public Innovation, Fabián Bastia; the Secretaries General of the Government, Juan Cruz Cándido; of Analysis and Information Management, Esteban Santantino; of Institutional Management, Virginia Coudannes; of Criminal Affairs, Lucía Masneri; and of Public Security, Omar Pereyra; the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies, Clara García, provisional president of the Chamber of Senators, Felipe Michlig, and of the Supreme Court of Justice, Roberto Falistocco; provincial authorities, deputies and deputies.


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