The governor Maximiliano Pullaro gave details of the security policies carried out, of the actions to confront outbreaks of violence and of the investment in prison infrastructure. He did so at the bidding ceremony for the first stage of the construction of the New High-Profile Prison in Piñero, which took place at the Government headquarters in Rosario.
The provincial president affirmed that "we are working hard on the investigations to lower the levels of violence that have to do with three parameters: homicides - which is the hardest parameter -; gunshot wounds; and gunshots fired at homes” and assured that "we are going to continue working in the same way, with the same robustness.
We have an operational table with the federal forces, with the provincial forces and the Penitentiary Service. Today, we have an intelligence unit, with a concrete mapping of what is happening in each of the places, and we can act quickly and immediately, and that allows us to quickly reduce or quell the violence.
He stressed that in the province of Santa Fe "we have an extremely robust security policy. Here, as long as I am governor, I can assure you that these guys will never again feel like they own the streets. What we can't prevent is that a violent person picks up a gun and wants to kill someone else, but that violent person has to know that he will have less and less chance of getting away with it.
In another part of his remarks, he said "I want to give great praise to the Minister of National Security (Patricia Bullrich) and the national government. Because here we work together on security policies. There are no sparks in security policies. We are all concerned, and we work side by side every day.
Personal control
The governor referred to the monitoring he does himself on policing and listed: "Yesterday in Rosario we had 250, 260 vehicles on the streets at peak hours and 109 walking teams, that is, almost 350 operational units. This clearly results in a drop in crime. He added: "We monitor the operational deployment in the street hour by hour, and we know everything that is done: yesterday there were 2,364 four identifications in the street," for example.
"So far this month we have seized 33 weapons on the street, that is, a motorbike is stopped, a car is stopped, a person is stopped and searched. Thirty-three people have been detected illegally carrying a firearm.
A sustained improvement
On the other hand, the president indicated that "in general terms, security is measured on two levels: one has to do with crime against property, and the other with violence. In terms of crime, theft, robbery, robbery, we can see a significant drop that continues", and compared January 2024 and 2025, with 4,700 and 2,100 crimes against property, respectively: "The significant drop continues, and that has to do with the street policing we are having", and added that "I personally monitor the number of police and federal security forces on the streets every day".
Meanwhile, on the second point, Pullaro said that "one analyses the circulation of harmful violence, and we can see two types of events in this case, which I would say is 50% and 50%.
Fifty percent of violent events in recent weeks were interpersonal, which is impossible to avoid, but they are events that did not take place in the context of organised crime or in a drug-trafficking context, which is what worries us most. As for the other 50%, "it has to do with two variables: firearm injuries - a figure that in 2025 is practically similar to 2024, lower than 2023, 2022 and 2021, but higher than the period from October to December last year - and shootings in homes".
Pullaro also highlighted the effectiveness of "the prison system, which was where in 2023 most of the organised crime conflicts were triggered; and we see that the arrests that took place at the end of last year brought extreme violence in terms of the rearrangement of some neighbourhoods".