
Pullaro: "We must build a federal country that gives back to the productive interior all that it contributes to Argentina"

The governor said this in his speech at the commemoration of the 212th anniversary of the Battle of San Lorenzo, in the Campo de la Gloria. There he vindicated the figure of General San Martín and highlighted the link with Brigadier López.

It was José de San Martín's only military engagement on national territory.

The governor Maximiliano Pullaro headed this Saturday the act in commemoration of the 212th anniversary of the Battle of  San Lorenzo, which took place on February 3, 1813. It is worth mentioning that it was the only military confrontation of José de San Martín in national territory. It was also the first battle of the Regiment of Horse Grenadiers.

The ceremony took place in the Campo de la Gloria, in the city of San Lorenzo and the governor was accompanied by the vice governor Gisela Scaglia; the mayor of San Lorenzo, Leonardo Raimundo; provincial authorities; provincial and national legislators; mayors; the chiefs of the Armed Forces, Security and Police; the Sanmartinian Cultural Association of San Lorenzo; among others.

At the beginning of the commemorative day, the authorities made offerings in honour of the memory of the men who fought in those lands for the independence of the country. Then, the traditional parachute launching and military parade took place.

Ideals, values and a federal project

In his speech, Pullaro began by saying: "It is an honour for me that we are here today, because of what this battle means for the province of Santa Fe, and because San Martín was fighting for freedom and to put an end to the Spanish yoke". Later on, the governor of Santa Fe expressed: "Every year we come to commemorate the battle of San Lorenzo, but fundamentally to seek inspiration, to seek the courage that mobilised him and his troops, to also seek exemplarity, to be able to build a nation with freedom, to seek the courage that the grenadiers had when they faced the Spanish army, because now we need that courage to give what the democracy of the Argentine Republic needs, among other things, to fight crime and drug trafficking".

In addition to vindicating San Martín, Pullaro highlighted the role of Brigadier Estanislao López and his bond with the Father of the Nation, expressed in letters that he reviewed in the act, which show the common look of building a free country without internal confrontations. "The Brigadier fought for the federalism of Argentina and General San Martín at the same time fought for the freedom of the nation," he stressed.

And in these references to the construction of a project for the country, Pullaro highlighted the need to respect the productive interior. "We are here very close to the Paraná River, the river where 80% of the country's production comes from, in the productive heart of Argentina. From here we say that we want to continue upholding the values that made our country great. Today we do not need armies, but we do need clarity to know where to go and the province of Santa Fe knows a lot about that, because Santa Fe is the countryside, it is industry, it is commerce, and it is these ports".

On the other hand, the governor stressed the need for what comes out of the provinces to return to strengthen the sectors that generate it. "We need the resources produced by the productive interior to return in infrastructure, allowing us to grow and develop. Because Argentina will only move forward if it has more production and generates more jobs.


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