
Three organ donations in Santa Fe in one weekend

The processes took place in the south of the province and allowed nine transplants to patients from different parts of the country. Cudaio highlights this achievement in a month of the year in which statistically there are fewer potential donors.

There are currently 7,279 patients on the waiting list for organs, of which 503 are from the province of Santa Fe. In Cudaio's 2024 annual report, the province was the third nationally with the highest number of donors.

Between 11 and 12 January, three organ donors were registered at hospitals in Rosario and the surrounding area: Hospital de Emergencias Clemente Álvarez (HECA), Sanatorio Parque and Hospital Escuela "Eva Perón" in Granadero Baigorria.

The achievement is significant considering that January is statistically the month with the fewest potential donors and that the average monthly figure for the year is between eight and ten operations, according to the Single Centre for Organ and Tissue Donation, Ablation and Implantation (Centro Único de Donación, Ablación e Implante de Órganos y Tejidos - Cudaio - in Spanish) of the provincial Ministry of Health.

As a result of these procedures, nine people on the waiting list were able to have access to transplants. In detail, six kidney implants, two liver implants and one heart transplant were made possible. Five of them were sent to specialised centres in our province, and the remaining four to other parts of the country.

In addition, four corneas and heart valves from two hearts that were not viable for transplantation were ablated.

There are currently 7,279 patients on the waiting list for organs, of which 503 are from the province of Santa Fe. In Cudaio's 2024 annual report, the province was the third nationally with the highest number of donors.


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