
Pullaro: ‘Working together the private sector and the public sector, Argentina will move forward’.

This is what the governor said at the inauguration of a Cogeneration Thermal Power Plant of the Albanesi Group in Arroyo Seco. The project will allow the incorporation of 130 MW of installed power to the Argentine Interconnection System.

‘Our priority is to develop the private sector, and for that we invest every peso we save in productive infrastructure,’ Pullaro stressed.

Governor Maximiliano Pullaro participated this Wednesday in the inauguration of the new Cogeneration Thermal Power Plant of the Albanesi Group, in Arroyo Seco, which was executed with a private investment of 165 million dollars.

The work will allow the incorporation of 130 MW of installed power through 2 gas turbines and 1 steam turbine that will be injected into the Argentine Interconnection System. As part of the project, a transformer substation is being built, which will be transferred to the Provincial Energy Company (EPE).

On the occasion, Pullaro pointed out that ‘if we work together, if we stand back to back, the private sector and the public sector, Argentina will move forward, and it will move forward hand in hand with the province of Santa Fe, because Santa Fe is the productive engine of our country’; and expressed the importance of ‘betting on the development and strengthening of our entire productive system, the countryside, the industry, the ports, the universities that give added value to this whole system’.

He then thanked the ‘Albanesi Group, for innovating and betting on the development of the province of Santa Fe; and for investing here, and understanding that the only way to move forward is if we achieve development, economic growth and job creation. We feel that Santa Fe is unstoppable,’ said the governor.

‘Our priority is to develop the private sector, and for that we have to invest every peso we save in productive infrastructure, to develop the energy matrix, so that our industries can be more competitive and lower costs, to develop connectivity and strengthen the education system, and so that our companies can sell to the world and open new markets.

Finally, the President stressed that ‘the path we have taken in Santa Fe, accompanying, listening and designing a new province for everyone, is the path that will take Argentina forward. The north is to move towards the world of work, productive development and economic growth.
‘Without job creation there is no possibility for any country to move forward. We, from Santa Fe, know how to show that way’, concluded Pullaro.

For her part, the vice-governor Gisela Scaglia said that ‘we believe in private capital investing and making, together with us, the province of Santa Fe great. Our challenge is to accompany them’.

More energy infrastructure

Meanwhile, the Minister of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini, highlighted ‘the interest of the province of Santa Fe in this project, which is a good example of what we maintain: for us, energy is a fundamental issue, and to improve our productive matrix, to have more development and more industries to settle, we need more energy infrastructure. This project is showing the way’, he concluded.

In turn, the president of the Albanesi Group, Armando Losón, explained that ‘we are a company that has 9 thermal power plants, operating in 7 provinces, and we are about to reach 2,000 MW of installed generation capacity. Today we are inaugurating a very ambitious project, which we believe strengthens the infrastructure of the province, with the substation and the possibilities it generates’.

Finally, the mayor of Arroyo Seco, Daniel Tonelli, said that ‘this is the Argentina we want, people who work and generate opportunities to enhance production’.

The project

The Arroyo Seco project is part of an investment plan for U$S 600 million that the Albanesi Group started to execute in the last years, for the construction of 405 MW, which represents an increase of 25% of its total generation capacity. 500 people and local service providers were hired during the works.

This is the second thermal power plant that the Albanesi Group has installed in Santa Fe, the first one is in the town of Timbúes, it provides 170 MW of installed capacity and demanded an investment of 181 million dollars.

Also present were the secretaries of Industrial Development, Guillermo Beccani, and of Energy, Verónica Geese; and the senator for the department of Rosario, Ciro Seisas.


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