
The province launched microcredits for entrepreneurs to acquire equipment, machinery and inputs

The "Activa Emprendedor" and the "Banco Solidario" aim to support productive enterprises and entrepreneurs in situations of social vulnerability. The event was led by Governor Maximiliano Pullaro.

"These public policies will put Santa Fe in a completely different place," said Governor Pullaro.


On Thursday, Governor Maximiliano Pullaro presented the "Activa Emprendedor" microcredit lines, aimed at productive enterprises, for the purchase of equipment; and also the possibilities offered by the Banco Solidario for entrepreneurs in situations of social and productive vulnerability to acquire tools, supplies and/or technological machinery in order to promote self-managed work.

In his speech, Pullaro recalled that "we very clearly set out some objectives that have to do with generating work in our province, with generating economic growth, but for that we had to do many things when we began our administration: we needed to put order in the accounts of the State and the logistical and human resources of the State of the province. For this reason, during all this time we made difficult decisions, but with a clear objective: to invest where we should invest so that Santa Fe can stand out for its consistency, for what we are and for what we represent".

In this sense, the governor assured that "these public policies will place Santa Fe in a completely different place, which will allow us to enter a virtuous circle and, from that place, change structural bases, and demonstrate that this province is the productive engine of Argentina".

The event, held in El Molino, Cultural Factory of the city of Santa Fe, was also attended by the Ministers of Government and Public Innovation, Fabián Bastía; of Equality and Human Development, Victoria Tejeda; of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini; and of Economy, Pablo Olivares; provincial legislators; mayors and communal presidents, among others.

Supporting and strengthening the productive system

Puccini acknowledged that "this is a very important activity that we are carrying out because we are fulfilling the mandate of our governor: to support and strengthen the productive system, and to do so from the most incipient, which is born in each town and in each city, to the large companies that we have today in the province, which are very varied and very strong".

Meanwhile, Tejeda explained that "the idea is to support those entrepreneurs who are currently experiencing a violation of rights, and who need tools, inputs and machinery. That is why the government has decided to support them, for the first time, with zero-rate loans.
Activa Emprendedor and Banco Solidario

"Activa Emprendedor" is part of the financing programme "Santa Fe Activa", which is developed by the Ministry of Productive Development, and is aimed at the purchase of equipment for productive enterprises. These are microcredits of between 750,000 and 2,500,000 pesos, thus facilitating access to loans with lower interest rates and longer terms (up to 36 months), promoting productivity and the development of economies. Banco Solidario, meanwhile, has the second line presented: it grants microcredits to entrepreneurs in a situation of social and productive vulnerability that allows the capitalisation of tools, inputs and/or technological machinery in order to promote self-managed work. It is coordinated by the Ministry of Equality and Human Development.

During the ceremony, 51 localities from 11 departments signed the agreement with the Ministry of Equality and Human Development: La Gallareta, Vera, Margarita and Tartagal (Vera department); El Arazá, Berna, Las Garzas, Nicanor Molinas, Avellaneda, and Malabrigo (General Obligado department); Marcelino Escalada, Ramayón, San Justo, La Penca y Caraguatá, Pedro Gómez Cello, Videla, La Camila, and Colonia Dolores (San Justo department); San Javier, Cacique Ariacaiquín, Colonia Teresa, Romang, and Alejandra (San Javier department); Santa Rosa de Calchines, Cayastá, and Helvecia (Garay department); Recreo, Sauce Viejo, Llambi Campbell, Santo Tomé, Nelson, San José del Rincón, and Santa Fe (La Capital department); San Carlos Sud, Pilar, Esperanza, and Matilde (Las Colonias department); Moisés Ville, Ceres, Hersilia, Suardi, and Dos Rosas and La Legua (San Cristóbal department); San Vicente, Estación Clucellas, Egusquiza, and Clucellas (Castellanos department); Coronda and Gálvez (San Jerónimo department); Sastre and Ortiz, El Trébol, and Cañada Rosquín (San Martín department).


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