
Santa Fe Business Forum: foreign buyers tour companies in the province

As part of the activities planned in the reverse trade mission, buyers from different parts of the world made commercial circuits to see first-hand how Santa Fe companies work.

"We hope that this activity will be repeated every year. It is a benefit for us to have importers in our plant, as we usually must go to Europe or the United States to find them. We are grateful to the province," said one meat packing plant.

Within the framework of the Santa Fe Business Forum, the reverse trade mission that is taking place until Thursday in Rosario, the Government of the Province of Santa Fe has organised production circuits for representatives of foreign firms to visit different companies in Santa Fe. During these days, 15 visits will be made to different local firms in the dairy, meat and agricultural machinery industries.

On this occasion, 10 foreign buyers belonging to eight companies based in Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain, Peru, the United States and Portugal visited the Frigorífico Recreo, located in the city of the same name. During the activity, the visitors toured the production hall, the company's laboratory and the rendering plant, where industrial bait and meat meal are produced.

After the visit, the Provincial Director of Industry 4.0 Technology, Ramiro Vio, said that "it is very important for importers to get to know our companies and industries. It is also important for them to see that there is a government that is encouraging and supporting importers to visit us and for exporters to be able to communicate. This is an experience that marks the beginning of many more".

Expectations exceeded

For his part, the president of Frigorífico Recreo, Gustavo Ingaramo, highlighted "the success of the event, it is an innovation that is going to be a great success. We are very happy with this initiative of the Provincial Government. From a business and industrial point of view, I think it will give very good results".

Meanwhile, the commercial manager, Gustavo Quirelli, valued "the quality of the importers that the province invited, they are up to our expectations. We really like to receive visitors and show them our plant because we have made many investments in recent years. Of the visits we received today, two representatives of companies from Portugal and Holland came to see the production with the possibility of buying next week.

We have practically concluded business deals. The Santa Fe Business Forum exceeded our expectations. We hope that this event will be repeated every year. It is a benefit for us to have importers in our plant, as we usually must go to Europe or the United States to find them. That is why we are grateful for the effort of the province".

On the other hand, businessman Fernando Nascimento, representative of a meat distributor in the United States, explained that "we buy a lot of meat from Argentina. We came at the invitation of the Santa Fe Business Forum to visit the province. We import meat from other countries. We are very excited because we liked Frigorífico Recreo very much. We have not yet done business with them, they have just been approved for the United States, but we will certainly start doing business with them because we saw the quality, the facilities and I am very impressed with everything I saw today".

Finally, the Brazilian businessman, Marco de Souza Coutinho, thanked the company for the reception. "We were able to clear up any doubts we had about some of the cuts. I think this activity was very well organised, many people participated, and it helped us to make new contacts that may bear fruit in the future", he concluded.

Frigorífico Recreo

It was originally created with the aim of providing slaughtering services to third parties, but over the years the company has grown by incorporating products and services and nowadays it has more than 50 years of experience.

Nowadays Frigorífico Recreo has its own fields and more than 5000 head of cattle, allowing them to take care of the quality of the cattle. This same cattle is slaughtered and deboned in its facilities where it is later destined both for the domestic market and for different export destinations. The company also produces a wide variety of sausages and cold meats for the domestic market, supplying the domestic market with top quality pork.


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