
Pullaro announced an investment of $196 billion in a historic gas pipeline plan for the province

"We know the conditions in which neighbours live in the interior of this rich province that contributes so much to the federal system and that unfortunately there is no return on that contribution", he said when presenting the Gas Pipeline Plan for Develo

The governor explained the decision to allocate resources to infrastructure, which will benefit more than 45 towns, 120,000 inhabitants and 250 industries in Santa Fe.

The governor of the province, Maximiliano Pullaro, headed the presentation of the Gas Pipeline Plan for Development on Tuesday at the Rosario government headquarters. It is a historic project of 610 km of gas pipelines that will benefit more than 45 localities, 120,000 inhabitants and 250 industries in Santa Fe. The works will require a total investment of 196,414,502,000 pesos.

The project includes 6 trunk gas pipelines that will optimise the energy matrix and reduce costs for a more competitive production. In turn, this infrastructure will enable the future decentralised generation of electricity and the injection of biomethane into these pipelines. It should be noted that the presentation will also be attended by authorities of state companies and representatives of intermediate associations.

During the activity, the governor, referring to Hughes, his hometown, recalled: "This town is a town that has no natural gas, no sewage service and no drinking water from the tap. We know what the people live through in the interior of this rich province that contributes so much to this federal system and that unfortunately nothing comes back. We see the difficulties that our industries, our companies have to be competitive".

"With that view of the people we love, and with our experiences of having lived in a big city like Rosario, we understand that we have to do these things, which are important things. And to make political decisions that allow Santa Fe to be a competitive province, a province that generates work, a province that generates employment. And fundamentally, a province that is seen to be the engine of the change that is coming to the Argentine Republic", added Pullaro.

The governor then made a brief assessment of his administration: "Our resources fell by 56% if we compare one year with the other. However, so far this year, we have also managed to give public employees a raise 3 points above inflation levels and we have managed to have a small fiscal surplus in these 9 months of government".

He then stressed that from the beginning of the administration, the intention was to "put order in the state of the province of Santa Fe" and "be more efficient". "This is how we began to make significant savings in the state, which were invested in our social contract: security, education and production", he concluded.

Also present at the event were the ministers of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini, of Economy, Pablo Olivares, and of Government and Public Innovation, Fabián Bastia; the secretary of Energy, Verónica Geese; the president of Enerfe, Rodolfo Giacosa; the provisional president of the Senate of the Province of Santa Fe, Felipe Michlig; and the speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of the Province of Santa Fe, Clara García.

The pipelines

There are 6 pipelines distributed throughout the province:

"The Southwest Dairy Region Gas Pipeline will benefit the following localities: Arrufó, Villa Trinidad, San Guillermo, Suardi and Colonia Rosa.

"The Ruta Provincial N° 20 gas pipeline to Tortugas, Montes de Oca, Bouquet, María Susana, Piamonte, Landeta, Schiffner, Las Petacas, Castelar and Crispi.

"The Ruta 34 gas pipeline will reach Luis Palacios, Lucio V. López, Salto Grande, Totoras, Clason, San Genaro, Centeno, Las Bandurrias, Casas, Cañada Rosquín and San Martín de las Escobas.

"The Gas Pipeline Provincial Route 93 - 33 will favour Chañar Ladeado, Berabevú, Los Quirquinchos, Godeken and Cañada del Ucle.

"The Gas Pipeline Ruta Provincial 14 - 17s to Coronel Arnold, Muñoz, Arminda, Villa Mugueta and Fuentes.

"And the Gas Pipeline Provincial Route 13s - 90 will take the service to Albarellos, Coronel Bogado, La Vanguardia, Santa Teresa, Peyrano, Máximo Paz, Alcorta, Juncal and Carreras.


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