
Agroactiva 2024: Raquel Chan receives the Valor Criollo Award

At the leading Argentinean agricultural exhibition Agroactiva, the researcher from Santa Fe was recognised for her outstanding scientific work. She was accompanied by the Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Érica Hynes.

Agroactiva 2024 presented the Valor Criollo Award to Raquel Chan, a renowned researcher from Santa Fe.

The Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Ministry of Productive Development accompanied the presentation of the Valor Criollo Award to Raquel Chan, a renowned researcher from Santa Fe, at Agroactiva 2024.

It was within the framework of the various activities promoted by the provincial scientific portfolio at the most important open-air agricultural exhibition in Argentina and the region. The recognition was presented to her in a ceremony attended by the general director of Agroactiva, Rosana Nardi; the secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Erica Hynes; and the vice-president of INTA, María Beatriz Giraudo.

Raquel Chan holds a PhD in Biochemistry, specialising in Plant Biotechnology, and has worked for many years at the Institute of Agrobiotechnology of the Litoral in Santa Fe (IAL, UNL-Conicet). Among many outstanding achievements, it was Raquel Chan who discovered the HB4 gene in sunflower, which activates a plant response mechanism to water stress. This finding was also transferred to other crops such as wheat and soybean.

Regarding the award, Secretary Hynes said that "society demands that both science and technology should be part of production in order to introduce innovation in agriculture. Santa Fe is characterised for being a pioneering province in terms of investment in science, technology and innovation. We have our own investments from the provincial budget. In this, it is one of the few provinces at national level that makes the greatest effort.

He also explained that there is a well-defined transfer from the scientific sector to the productive sector: "the emblematic case is the HB4 gene and the work of Dr. Raquel Chan. It is known throughout the country and the world. This is the result of a virtuous circle between science and technology organisations, i.e. the Conicet, universities, the state and the private sector," she said.

Working as a team

For Raquel Chan, the recognition in the province of Santa Fe, more precisely at Agroactiva, has a special value, based on her work to innovate in the agricultural sector. "The Prize for Creole Value awarded to me by this great exhibition is very special, because it does so in an environment that represents the work of producers and shows the importance of public-private associativism," said the researcher.

In addition, the researcher said that for all that has been achieved, it is essential to continue defending the Conicet and public research. "I am not the only one, there are many researchers who generate very valuable scientific developments. Many do not get to finish their research, because science does not always produce results, and that is why they think it is useless, when in fact science is fundamental," Chan said.

Finally, he acknowledged the importance of working in groups. "In scientific research there is no such thing as individual work, it is a huge task. It can never be done by just one person. That is why all achievements are group work," she said.

Activities at Agroactiva

In the framework of the mega-exhibition, the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Government of Santa Fe carried out several activities of technological and innovation linkage. Together with the Universidad Nacional del Litoral and the Universidad Nacional de Rosario, conferences and talks were held at the event's information stand.

On the other hand, in the AgTech Tent, various activities were carried out with companies in the sector and together with INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Technology) activities were carried out around their programmes and tools.

Also, Secretary Erica Hynes participated in a panel at the "Rural Women's Meeting at Agroactiva: Economy of Rural Care", organised by the Civil Association Mujeres de la Ruralidad Argentina (MRA) and the Secretariat of Women, Gender and Diversity of Santa Fe, which took place in the Auditorium of the mega-show, where distinctions were awarded to outstanding rural women in the presence of the vice-governor of the province, Gisela Scaglia, the Minister of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini, and the Minister of Equality and Human Development, Victoria Tejeda. Also taking part in the panel on care were Lucrecia Pacilio (INTA Rafaela), Luciana Soumoulon (MRA), Noeli Misaña (MRA) and Yanina Smerling (MRA - Bertolino Foundation).


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