
What are the lines of credit for agricultural producers that the Province will present at Agroactiva?

There will be financing for the purchase of agricultural machinery, for investments and working capital, with provincial subsidies and special rates.

One of the credit offers will be valid exclusively at the mega exhibition in Armstrong; and current credit lines with the CFI will be re-launched. The official presentation will take place on Wednesday afternoon at the expo.

With 30 years of uninterrupted activity, Agroactiva has become the most popular open-air agricultural exhibition in Argentina and the region, which has earned the prestige and respect of every producer or contractor who has visited it, but also of the businessmen who find genuine support in each of its editions.

This year, the mega-show took place from Wednesday 5 to Saturday 8 June in Armstrong, as is tradition.

There, the Government of the Province, through the Santa Fe Activa programme, will bring its battery of financing for agricultural activities, industry, commerce, tourism, science and innovation under a scheme of articulation with financial institutions.

Two lines of credit will be presented with Banco Nación for a total amount of 17 billion pesos for micro, small and medium enterprises. One of the credit offers will be valid exclusively at Agroactiva. The province stated that the rates "promise to be very aggressive".

Support for the sector

Regarding the type of lines, the Minister of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini, stressed that "one of them is intended for the purchase of agricultural machinery of national manufacture", with a rebatable quota of 7 billion pesos for a period of 48 months, which can be subsidised by the province. The maximum amount per beneficiary will be 200 million pesos, with a subsidy of 7 points from the provincial government.

In addition, another financial opportunity will be announced that will have two possible destinations: investments and working capital, which can be used for any link in the production chain. The investment line will contemplate a 5 billion rebatable quota, a 36-month term and up to 200 million pesos per beneficiary. In the case of working capital, the quota will also be 5 billion and the repayment period will be 18 months. In both cases, the province will subsidize 7 points.

In addition, together with the Nuevo Banco de Santa Fe, a financing of 7 billion pesos quota for agricultural machinery will be exhibited, with a discount of 7 points; also applicable exclusively at Agroactiva.

To complete the offer, the lines in force with the Federal Investment Council (CFI) will be relaunched and a proposal aimed at Development Agencies will be added. As for the CFI, there are two initiatives: one for investments and the other with special lines: pork, poultry, freight transport, green financing and women. For its part, the project aimed at the Development Agencies plans to allocate one billion pesos for the value chains prioritized in the 24 regional institutions of the province.

It should be recalled that the Santa Fe Activa programme seeks to strengthen and diversify the sources of financing available for the various value chains present in the province. The programme seeks to facilitate access to credit instruments through strategic alliances with financial institutions operating in the region, in order to effectively boost economic development.


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