
Prosumers 4.0: The Province re-launched the program for residential and industries to generate clean energy

It was in an act headed by Governor Pullaro. It is a State policy that seeks to produce a virtuous energy circle of self-generation, which injects the surplus into the grid, favoring productive development.


Governor Maximiliano Pullaro, together with the Minister of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini, re-launched the Prosumidores 4.0 (Prosumers 4.0) program. This is a tool to promote a distributive generation of electric energy from renewable sources available in our province, to achieve a triple impact: social, environmental, and economic.

Through this plan, the Provincial Government encourages the people of Santa Fe to produce electricity to be injected into the distribution network in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way.

At the Marconetti Mill in the city of Santa Fe, Pullaro said that the program "transcends a government, that is why it is created by law; it is an opportunity to show that Santa Fe is different, to show that things are done differently here, because this law implies that from now on this will be a public policy where the State will articulate and invest".

He then indicated that "with the Federal Investment Council (CFI) we signed a 1 billion credit to promote investment in renewable energies, through Prosumers, which is green energy in our province". He then stated that this is an initiative "that we can carry out together and set important goals for Santa Fe. This is the challenge we must face in Argentina".

The initiative seeks that through the self-generation of energy, the surpluses can be injected to the electric grid with an economic recognition to the prosumer in concept of promotion of the environmental benefits obtained by the saving of emissions and the investment in renewable power made. In the province there are 1,108 prosumers or user-generators (residential and productive scale, such as industries and SMEs).

Pullaro pointed out that "we have to be innovative, see where the economy is turning and what it needs and what the world is starting to pay for. There we have an immense opportunity to increase our production levels, but we want those production increase levels not to be against the environment, but in favor of green energy, in favor of clean energy development in the province of Santa Fe".

Certainty for the future

In turn, Puccini expressed his gratitude to the Legislature that "has so quickly approved a project sent by the Executive Power, understanding it as a State policy, giving certainty and predictability to the productive sector" and called "to commit ourselves to make this system the most efficient of the Argentine Republic".

Likewise, the Secretary of Energy, Verónica Geese, recalled that at the beginning "there were only two suppliers of all the renewable energy equipment in the province, today there are more than 120 and more than 1,100 prosumers that are connected" and indicated that "what we are looking for is to scale, for Santa Fe to be more competitive, to have a more positive environmental impact, a more accessible energy, a set of factors that has been working for some time, which for me is a great example of what politics can do for the people".

The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Clara García, recalled that "in May, eight years ago, in Rafaela, Prosumers started timidly. Also in May, in 2020, we gave it half sanction, and today May 2024 we are saying it is already a law, and that brings the certainty of strong investments and the relationship of those who produce and consume with the technical bodies of the State, brings a future, transforms Prosumers into a State policy".

Also present were the provisional president of the Senate, Felipe Michlig; the Minister of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini; the Secretary General of the Government, Juan Cruz Cándido; the Undersecretary of Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, Cecilia Mijich; the Secretary General of Luz y Fuerza, Pedro Fernández, mayors, communal presidents, and other provincial and municipal authorities.

Green Line and National Law

The province also made available the "Green Financing Line", within the framework of an agreement with the CFI. There will be $1,000,000,000,000 to finance at soft rates the supply and installation of equipment by means of a credit line implemented through Banco Santa Fe. The recipients will be SMEs, single taxpayers and self-employed people.

It should be recalled that last month, the Santa Fe Legislature approved the adhesion of the province to National Law No. 27,424, which established the Regime for the Promotion of Distributed Generation of Renewable Energy Integrated to the Electric Grid.


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