
Pullaro presented new financing lines for Santa Fe production

"When the State listens to the needs of the productive sector, innovative projects are generated, and this is one of them", he highlighted.

The governor signed agreements with the CFI to finance productive projects and the acquisition of equipment, and the creation of guarantee funds.

The Governor of Santa Fe, Maximiliano Pullaro, and the Secretary General of the Federal Investment Council (CFI), Ignacio Lamothe, signed agreements for the implementation of credit lines for regional productive development, projects of companies led by women, incorporation of equipment, generation of renewable energies and guarantee funds. 

With these lines of financing and the guarantee fund, the provincial government seeks to generate regional development and promote the productive development of micro, small and medium-sized companies, the use of renewable energy and care for the environment.

During the ceremony, which took place in the White Room of the Government House, Pullaro highlighted that "when the State listens to the productive sector, innovative projects are generated, and this is really one of them"; and asked "who does not feel like taking out a loan knowing that they will pay half the interest rate and below inflation levels? It is a great opportunity for those who want to produce".

"The challenge is that this can reach every productive entity in the province, every producer, industrialist, trader, every person who wants to make the economy grow in Santa Fe", he emphasized, and said he was "convinced that the way out is with more production, economic growth and employment".

Finally, he pointed out the importance of "reaching each one of those who may need this financial tool. And when we achieve that, all the areas of our immense productive sector will really have no ceiling, and the province of Santa Fe will have no ceiling. And we will be the locomotive of the change that the Argentine Republic needs".

Supporting the productive sector

In turn, the Minister of Productive Development, Gustavo Puccini, stated that "we have been working hard on how to approach and support the productive sector". As regards credit lines, "together with the CFI, we asked the financial agent of the province of Santa Fe, the Banco de la Provincia and the Banco Municipal to focus all our efforts on the productive sector. We put 143 billion pesos at stake and, in only 4 months, we are already over 6 billion pesos that the productive sector is taking. Of this total, 1,500 are with the CFI", he detailed, and pointed out that "one of the most supported sectors, and one of the hardest hit, the dairy industry, has already received over 2,500 million pesos, both in working capital and investments".

Then, the Minister of Economy, Pablo Olivares, indicated that "one of the three main problems raised by businessmen, mainly SMEs, is financing. That is where we focused our efforts and we understood that the key was to multiply the instruments and combine them in the best possible way to achieve the best synergy".

Lamothe said that "these agreements and tools are very good news. Santa Fe has been deploying a series of instruments and initiatives to support production in Santa Fe that are very interesting; and this initiative created by the Fondo de Garantías Propias, an institution that will create a much more robust ecosystem for Santa Fe companies to access the different lines of financing offered by public and private banks".

Lines of Financing

The financing lines presented were as follows:
* Women's Productive and Financial Development: will provide technical and financial advice for the development of productive projects and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises led by women.

* Green Financing: aimed at providing financial assistance to MSMEs located in the province for the incorporation of equipment and works for technified irrigation and water efficiency, the generation of energy from renewable sources (Off and On Grid), the incorporation of anti-hail netting, as well as for environmental care.

* Federal Program of Sustainable Actions for Productive Activities, which has three main objectives: to contribute to the care of the environment through the efficient and sustainable use of natural resources; to promote the circular economy and encourage the rational and efficient use of energy.

* CFI Guarantee Fund: provides guarantees for access to credit lines and financial instruments in the capital market to companies with strategic projects for the integral development of the Argentine provinces.


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