
Pullaro: "We are committed to promoting the cultural industries of Santa Fe".

This was said by the Governor of Santa Fe during his visit to the Buenos Aires International Book Fair, which is being held at La Rural until May 13th. The province is participating with 65 publishing houses and 120 independent authors from 35 municipalit

This was stated by the Governor of Santa Fe during his visit to the Buenos Aires International Book Fair, which is being held at La Rural until May 13th.

Governor Maximiliano Pullaro visited the Buenos Aires International Book Fair, where he paid a special visit to the province's official booth. "We are committed to promoting the cultural and creative industries of Santa Fe, such as the edition and publication of books by authors from our province," said the provincial governor, adding: "Santa Fe's culture is its identity, but it is also employment and investment that boost the people of Santa Fe.

Coordinated by the Ministry of Culture, through the Feriar Program, the Province of Santa Fe will become an international showcase, allowing the circulation of titles in a cultural scenario where a rich program of more than 1,500 events will take place and in which the most outstanding references of the reading universe will participate. Thus, the official proposal includes works from 65 publishing houses and 120 independent authors from the cities of Álvarez, Arroyo Reyes, Avellaneda, Cañada, Rosquín, Casilda, Carcarañá, Chabás, Esperanza, Firmat, Funes, Hughes, Ibarlucea, Laguna Paiva, Pueblo Esther, Rafaela, Reconquista, Roldán, Rosario, Rufino, Santa Fe, San Justo, San Genaro, Sanford, San José del Rincón, San Justo, Santo Tomé and Sauce Viejo Totoras, Tostado, Venado Tuerto, Villa Constitución, Villa Mugueta, Villa Ocampo, Villa Trinidad.

Santa Fe, protagonist

Santa Fe had its own Day celebrated at the 48th Buenos Aires International Book Fair. On this occasion, the province proposes the presentation of the book "Un editor para Saer. Sobre la relación autor/editor", published by Ediciones UNL, with a dialogue between the author, Alberto Díaz, and Hinde Pomeraniec. The activity took place at the Domingo F. Sarmiento Hall, White Pavilion, at La Rural. This Santa Fe title is a new addition to the Itinerarios / Arte y Oficio del Libro, which are series published by Ediciones UNL. In this volume, the author tries to answer the question "What does it mean to be an editor?" and addresses "the complex and sometimes conflictive relationship between the author and the editor, concisely describing the functions and characteristics of the work of the literary editor from the invention of the printing press to the present day".

It should be noted that the province of Santa Fe is the third district in the country in terms of publishing production and has a strong presence at the Fair through its production. Through the Feriar program, this cultural sector is promoted and invited to shine in an international showcase, in an action that stimulates the circulation of these cultural goods. More than 50 localities are represented in this meeting of great transcendence, making it possible to bring to the public a great diversity of proposals from all over Santa Fe and to be among the publishing offer of Argentina.


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