
Inauguration of a shared laboratory for entrepreneurs at Litoral Centro Technological Park

"The goal of Governor Pullaro and Minister Puccini is to use the knowledge of Santa Fe to improve the productive development of our province," said Erica Hynes, Secretary of Science, Technology, and Innovation.

In order to promote innovation and technological development in the region, as well as the creation and consolidation of knowledge-based companies, the Litoral Centro Technological Park (PTLC) has inaugurated a laboratory for shared use by entrepreneurs in the sector, called Puerto de Innovación (Innovation Port). This is an initiative that responds to the growing demand for support for entrepreneurs and companies in the field of technology and innovation.

The ceremony was attended by the Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Erica Hynes; the Rector of the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL), Enrique Mammarella; the President of the Parque Tecnológico del Litoral Centro, Doctor Norberto Nigro; the Director of the Centro Científico Conicet Santa Fe, Carlos Piña; and the Mayor of Santa Fe, Juan Pablo Poletti.

In essence, it is an electronics laboratory dedicated to the design of sensors, embedded systems and communication devices, providing support in the early stages of projects with the necessary tools to go from design to pre-series.

Innovation, Science and Productive Development

On the occasion, Hynes said that "this is an innovation platform and a pioneer in Santa Fe, in the PTLC. I can make a virtuous alliance with the different levels of the state, because the local governments, the province, the academy and CONICET are here," said Hynes, noting: "From the province, we support those who do science and technology, and we want our scientific policies to be improved in alliance with those actors who are the CONICET, universities, innovative companies. The goal of Governor Maximiliano Pullaro and Minister Gustavo Puccini is that the knowledge of Santa Fe is used to improve the productive development of our province".

The value of science

When he took the floor, Mammarella remarked: "If we look at the indicators of the PTLC, what matters is that the value of the kilogram of what comes out of here is, on average, 150% of what the national state exports. So let them come to discuss the importance of knowledge, let them come to discuss what education, science and technology are for. Here it is tangible, in the economy and in improving people's lives, in paying better taxes, in getting the dollars that Argentina needs and in giving decent jobs to our young graduates.

Then Piña said: "When we inaugurated the PTLC, a case like today's seemed utopian. Today, after so much effort, the technology park is an example at the national level. It is a beacon of cooperation between UNL, Conicet, the state and entrepreneurs. Science and technology are sovereignty and part of development, they create jobs. The Province of Santa Fe has about 25% of the technology-based companies in the country, and this is because the Province has understood a science and technology policy, has maintained a policy of support for the scientific system that today allows us to have a province that is a leader in science, technology and technology-based companies".

Finally, Nigro explained that "this is a project that is a reality today, it was born as an idea 30 years ago and it is very valuable. We are inaugurating an electronics laboratory in a new building.


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